Kahkah Employment

  • cb@kahkah.com
  • Office B, 15 F, Prosperous Commercial Building, 54 Jardine's Bazaar, Causeway bay, Hong Kong



Our Company holds valid operating licenses issued by Labor Government Hongkong (License No. 75996) and License Consulate Indonesia (No : 76352.165.VII.2024). Labour Departemen Website : https://www.labour.gov.hk/tc/index.htm & https://eaa.labour.gov.hk

Contact Us Ms. Melly Tse

Office: Office B, 15 F, Prosperous Commercial Building, 54 Jardine’s Bazaar, Causeway bay, Hong Kong​

What We Do

Overseas Domestic Helpers

Kah Kah Employment provides our customers with the most comprehensive consultant services. Our expert staff will assist you in every step of the process from selection of helpers, application and approval, issuance of visa, arrivals of helpers to application for HKID. We will assure that all the documents are ready before your domestic helper arrive your home.

Local Domestic Helpers

To cater for the urgent needs of our customers, Kah Kah Employment has local domestic helpers immediately available at your choice. Our well-chosen local helpers get good references from the former employers. Customers can read the personal profile of domestic helpers from our company website. If you have selected the right candidates, we can immediately arrange interviews for you.

Direct Hiring

Customers can choose their own designated overseas domestic helpers. Kah Kah Employment will do all the follow-up procedures by charging a reasonable service fee.

About Us

Founded in 2005, Kah Kah Employment earns customer trust and faith through integrity and professionalism. Over the past years, our finished contract rate has reached 92%, and the renewal rate has soared to 68%. More than 90% of the new customers come through referral from our existing customers. These accomplishments are due to our strong determination and relentless efforts.

Why Choose us


Our consultants speak fluent Indonesian and have rich experience in the industry to help you choose the best helper


We treat customers with respect and integrity, earning customer trust with our courtegous and professional service

Well Qualified

Our helpers are honest and diligent with rich local or overseas work experience, giving customers a credible promise


Our strong network spans across Hong Kong, Indonesia and Singapore to provide you with the gratest support


Contact Us

Our Company holds valid operating licenses issued by Indonesia Consulates LICENSE NO : 75996 Labour Departemen Website :https://www.eaa.labour.gov.hk/

  • Office: Office B, 15 F, Prosperous Commercial Building, 54 Jardine's Bazaar, Causeway bay, Hong Kong
  • Tel: +85252980899
  • Email: cb@kahkah.com
  • Office: Office B, 15 F, Prosperous Commercial Building, 54 Jardine's Bazaar, Causeway bay, Hong Kong
  • Tel: 21540022
  • Email: cb@kahkah.com
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